Benefits of Ongoing Video Content
Many brands are starting to realize the power of using video in their marketing strategies – and for good reason. Oftentimes, though, they share just one or two large branding or commercial videos per year. These videos may run on TV, or live on a website, or even get a little momentum on social media. But these videos often sizzle out and don’t leave a long lasting impact. Having some video is definitely better than having none, but in this article, we are going to talk about how easy it is to consistently post video content on an ongoing basis, and how beneficial it is to your business.
Different Moments in the Buyer’s Journey
One of the first reasons to utilize more videos on a consistent basis is the fact that not one video can engage a buyer at each step of his or her journey. For example, a buyer who knows your company and is actively looking to buy a product or service you provide doesn’t need to watch an explainer video. A testimonial or even a benefits video will do better in securing their business. Vice versa, a buyer who is looking for a service or product you offer who may not know much about your company or that you even offer those products or services will resonate better with an attention-grabbing awareness video or even an about us video.
We encourage the use of a strategy that includes videos for each stage of the buyer’s journey from awareness to consideration to decision to finally the post-sales or delight stage. One way to do this is sitting down and thinking about how your ideal customer discovers your business and the steps they ultimately take to buy from you. Having a video or multiple videos that are targeted for those steps can help funnel your customers to a fast track towards a sale in a more efficient and effective manner.
Social Media
Social media is a huge part of the modern day marketing landscape. It can be difficult to come up with enough creative content for your company’s social channels, but by developing an effective video plan that pushes out weekly or monthly videos about what makes them different from their competitors, your business is able to release content that continually engages your customers. Social media content also has an expiration date. So, to keep up with your followers, a company needs to post consistently. A video on social media only has about 1-2 weeks average organic lifespan and produces most of its engagement in that time frame. Of course you can make these videos work a little harder for your company by using paid ads on social media or it’s possible that your video goes viral with the right creative and story.
A/B Testing
One of the best ways to gain traction when using videos in paid advertising on social media and other digital marketing channels is using A/B testing. If you are new to the term ‘A/B testing,’ the best way to describe it is taking two different ads, and running them with the same targeting variables on digital platforms. You can also do this for testing out different targeting variables such as marketing to different age groups, but having the same ad creative. In terms of video, you may want to know whether a funny video or a more serious video will perform better on Facebook. You can create two different videos and run them on a small budget discovering which one performs better, then allocate a larger budget to that video.
Different Screens
You’ve heard it for years now. Your audience spends time in front of multiple screens. Another area where having multiple video campaigns can benefit includes optimizing videos for different platforms. Different platforms such as Facebook on your phone versus Facebook on your laptop often benefit from having vertical video versus horizontal video. You can also utilize different length videos along with different creative direction for specific screens and platforms. A 6 seconds testimonial video of a person directly speaking to a consumer on a YouTube pre-roll ad could perform better than a traditional 30 seconds ad that was made for TV.
Consistent Brand Quality
The final benefit of maintaining ongoing video content is that it can help your company maintain its perceived quality. Many businesses suggest you market for the type of customers and clients you would like to attract. Or, some businesses wish to market themselves as professionally as possible. Having consistent, high quality video content partnered with a well-thought-out video strategy, your business will look more professional resulting in more qualified leads.
Video content is one of the most powerful tools a business can use from their marketing toolbox. The ability to catch a viewer’s attention, use emotion and storytelling to move that viewer to act, and ultimately communicate your business in an engaging way are all reasons why video has continued to be so popular since it first became a way to advertise your business. Now with all the screens and platforms, users are looking for more content to engage with and your business has the unique opportunity to provide them that content.