Titans of Industry | Episode 001
Introductory Episode with the host of Titans of Industry
With Nate Disarro

In this Episode host Nate Disarro discuses what you can expect from Titans of Industry. For years he’s been interviewing highly successful people in industries ranging from health care to agriculture, and broadcasting to Fortune 100 companies. Now he has a chance to share with listeners across the globe some of the modern day Titans who are innovating and changing their industries as we know them.
Show Transcription
Welcome to the very first episode of Titans of Industry. My name is Nate Dissarro and I am your host. For years, I’ve been a visual storyteller, producing and directing corporate and commercial videos for hundreds of clients all over the country.
My company Content Titan, which also happens to be the sponsor of this podcast, is based in Arkansas, which is a state full of some of the most forward thinking and imaginative people out there. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to interview Hall of Fame honorees in just about every industry across the board, from big business to sports and health care to some of the most amazing women you may not have ever heard of. With each guest on this podcast, my hunger and passion has grown to tell the stories of these people or Titans, as I like to call him that are working tirelessly to become the best in their fields. Work that one day may have them inducted into future halls of fame, so that’s what titans of industry is. It’s the place to hear stories of innovation and inspiring game changers that have greatly contributed to their industry community or the world at large. You can expect toe walk away with some expert level insight, a lot of practical tips and definitely some off the cuff humor as we dig deep tow, learn what makes these titans tick. You will inevitably here from plenty of titans local to my area. But the goal is that titans of industry will continue to grow and capture stories all over the country.
Now, I don’t know if many people do this, but I actually encourage you if you don’t already toe listen to these episodes at 1.5 times the speed, if for no other reason. It has a good bit of humor when people talk too fast. But also I fully understand that some of these conversations may contain information that isn’t really relevant to your industry. But instead of skipping it, just listen a little faster. Then, if you need to slow down, you can always rewind it.
We’re just getting started, So go ahead and hit the subscribe button now and make sure you don’t miss any future episodes Finally, this podcast would not be possible without the incredible support and hard work of my team at content Titan. Huge shout out to the team that makes this show happen and thank you so much for all that you do day in and day out. And not only do they produces podcast, but this team puts together incredible content and tells amazing stories for our customers every single day. As we enter a new normal, there is no question that having compelling quality content will ensure that your business will enter a new landscape stronger than ever before. The world’s changed in a short amount of time and industries are changing with it. Now is the time to ensure you are telling a clear story, so your audience knows exactly how you’re moving forward and are titans air here to help visit our website at content titan.co for more information on how we can take your company to the next level. But for now, thanks so much for listening, and I really hope you enjoy titans of industry. Uh, All right now, full disclosure episodes two through nine were all recorded pre Covid 19 Pandemic, so you won’t hear any reference to the situation we’re currently facing. But each of these conversations are incredible and binge listening is highly encouraged.
At the time of this recording, we’re nearing the end of the economic shutdown, and we’re about to resume some form of new normal, so I can’t speak for everyone. But I think the goal for most of us is to do everything we can to come out of this stronger than when we went in. As a small business owner myself, I consider myself lucky to be able to adapt my business and continue to keep the doors open when so many were unable to do so. So please join me in being as supportive as possible to the millions of people around the country that are attempting to rebuild their lives and also help me in thanking the many healthcare heroes who spent so much of these last few months and likely the foreseeable future, putting their lives on the line each and every day. There are so many industries that have come together to make the best out of this terrible situation, and you can bet that a lot of those stories will unfold right here.
We’re just getting started, So go ahead and hit the subscribe button now and make sure you don’t miss any future episodes Finally, this podcast would not be possible without the incredible support and hard work of my team at content Titan. Huge shout out to the team that makes this show happen and thank you so much for all that you do day in and day out. And not only do they produces podcast, but this team puts together incredible content and tells amazing stories for our customers every single day.
As we enter a new normal, there is no question that having compelling quality content will ensure that your business will enter a new landscape stronger than ever before. The world’s changed in a short amount of time and industries are changing with it. Now is the time to ensure you are telling a clear story, so your audience knows exactly how you’re moving forward and are titans air here to help visit our website at content? Titan dot c o for more information on how we can take your company to the next level.
But for now, thanks so much for listening, and I really hope you enjoy titans of industry.